Marton Monus

Marton Monus

Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
“Photojournalism puts a face to the news. The photograph is often much more memorable than the written news.”


Mostly I like to photograph personal stories and to present the everyday, invisible problems of small communities.

One Shot

. Ozd, Hungary. Reuters/Marton Monus
Zoltan Berki Sr, 55, searches for firewood in an old abandoned house in Ozd, Hungary.
“This picture is very important to me because this photo includes everything that characterises the people in my photo essay about domestic air pollution. They are trying to find fuel to heat their home, even at the cost of endangering their own health.”


My earliest memory of photography is taking pictures at a steam locomotive grand prix with my dad at 14. I never consciously wanted to be a photojournalist but photography has always been present in my life. While at university studying biology, I began to look at it as a potential method of earning money.

For my first assignment, I had to photograph the Harlem Globetrotters entertaining passengers in one of Budapest’s underpasses. Unfortunately they were not where they should have been, having accidentally arrived earlier. I learned the lesson of a lifetime that day, that a photographer should always arrive much earlier than the official start time.

For two weeks in Nepal, I had to follow a Hungarian climber going up Manaslu, a mountain over 8,000m high. I learned that I could accomplish much more than I had ever believed before, especially if I had a task to focus on.

Over the years, I have come to realise that I can take much, much better pictures if I treat my subjects completely equally.

Take photos of subjects that interest you. It will show in the frames if the photographer is completely uninterested. Don’t opt for the easy route; if you are bored, don’t give up, but seek out what intrigues you.

I respect the retired photojournalist Imre Benkö the most, as he is still enthusiastic about photography, is not comfortable in his oeuvre, and is constantly striving for renewal and change.

Behind the Scenes

. Metsada, Israel. Kata Kozma
Reuters photographer Marton Monus on assignment in Masada National park, Israel.