Smiling and sitting down to bread and milk with her family, Yemeni teenager Saida Ahmed Baghili is barely recognisable a year on from the photo of her emaciated frame that came to symbolise the country's humanitarian crisis.
Baghili (right) now weighs 36kg (80 lb), according to her father, more than triple the 11kg she weighed last October when Reuters first met her at the al-Thawra hospital in Sana'a, where she was undergoing treatment for severe malnutrition.
However, he says he doesn't have enough money to send Saida for further treatment and still fears for her health. Her last appointment with a doctor was in December.
"We're worried she might relapse and then we wouldn't be able to do anything because we have nothing. We don't have the transportation fee, we don't have the fee for anything,” he said.